Release Hypnotherapy: Medical & Clinical Hypnotherapy in Surrey, Hants, London and Online!
Release Hypnotherapy: Clinical Hypnotherapy in Surrey, Hants, London & Online! – ZOOM SESSIONS AVAILABLE!
In October 2024, Garry was awarded the title of ‘Medical Hypnotherapist of the Year’ at the Mid America Hypnosis Conference in Chicago, USA, in recognition of his groundbreaking and successful hypnotherapy work delivered to clients worldwide.
Who Do You Know Who Wants to Transform Their Life?
Controlling depression, stress or anxiety?
Getting rid of a fear or phobia?
Giving up smoking or drinking?
Losing weight?
Getting better sleep?
Coping better at work or with relationships?
Stopping bad habits?
Dealing with negative thoughts or emotions?
Controlling pain?
Dealing with medical or clinical issues?
Becoming pregnant
Improving their sporting or artistic performances?
Anything else?
Garry Coles of Release Hypnotherapy should be your only choice for a clinical hypnotherapy consultation in Surrey, Hants or London, (or even internationally via the internet). A full time clinical hypnotherapy expert for over 19 years, he is one of very few to hold a masters degree (MSc) in clinical hypnotherapy, the highest hypnotherapy and hypnosis qualification in the UK!
In fact in 2016, at the inaugural UK Hypnosis Convention, Garry was cited as being amongst the ‘top thirty hypnotherapists in the world!’
More recently, in October 2024, Garry was awarded the title of ‘Medical Hypnotherapist of the Year’ at the Mid America Hypnosis Conference in Chicago, USA, in recognition of my groundbreaking and successful hypnotherapy work delivered to clients worldwide.
Garry is one of the few hypnotherapists in the UK to have been contracted to the NHS (where he consulted weekly at a major hospital for over 19 years). He also works from GP surgeries and clinics and is sought after as a hypnotherapy presenter and trainer, worldwide.
Have a look around the Release Hypnotherapy website for more information, or on our Facebook page, (link below), and then contact us to see how we can help you transform your life!
Look at the A to Z page from the menu, that gives a list of issues that hypnotherapy may be of benefit with. Many of the issue classifications have underlying links to further information.
Please Contact us on our central number – 01252 687260
Email us at –
Or fill in the form below and we will get back to you as soon as we can to see how we can help you transform your life!
There is an intermittent Error with the Contact Form for some Email Providers (especially on mobile phones) – please send enquiry to if problems. Many Thanks.

I just wanted to let you know that I had my 1st Covid jab last Sunday – on schedule.
I booked my own appointment and walked head high and shoulders back to have the jab.
There is no way I could have done that before the hypnotherapy so a huge thank you from me! – AG – recent client

A huge thank you Garry for putting me on the path to successful weight loss. 17lbs lost so far and all my past bad habits have disappeared and turned into an everyday, normal living eating healthier foods and enjoying eating. I’d like to say you’re a miracle worker, but it is your skill that has promoted the changes and I thank you! I hope more people come to you to experience what is possible with some time with you and a commitment to make changes for the better. – VP – weight loss client
Support for Cancer Patients
Another new interview with me hosted by Claudia Rickard

I have just realised that it’s now been 2 weeks since I last saw you and I have not let you know how things are going. As you can probably guess from the fact that time has flown me by thing are still going great.
I am still amazed at how different I feel now and how great that feels, I have been a much nicer and more fun person to be with, I have done more in the last month than I have in probably the last year!
I have been organising a holiday and an Easter weekend away, which again I wouldn’t normally do, I would rather have stayed at home to feel safe from the world outside. I think I would say that I am actually living at last rather than just existing.
So a HUGE THANK YOU!!! for all your help and expertise, I do appreciate it. – TW – borderline personality disorder client.
Garry, thank you for getting me back to my winning ways – AA, world champion motorcycle racer.
Release Hypnotherapy: Surrey Hants and London.
Three Locations in Surrey; Farnham, Hampshire; (Hants), Hook, (Odiham) and London; Harley Street. (Sadly, I’m no longer seeing clients at The Richmond GP Clinic in Fleet, due to space constraints, due to ongoing building work.)
Hypnotherapy Consulations are also available remotely, via Zoom, for clients around the world.